Soon !! new Overdexter Website

Hi Guys, new overdexter website is almost ready and it will be at .

Overdexter Portugues -BR and English will be together, currently you can access the portugues version at .


quarta-feira, 9 de junho de 2010

Overdexter - English

Hi guys, like I promissed the brasilian overdexter has an english version now.

I have a lot of ideas and projects but I don't have the same situation about the time to make all of them.
I hope you enjoy with some of my funny things made at home.

My real name is not Dexter, it was gave by my friends from the last company that I worked , it was based on dexter's lab that makes craziest things on his lab, like the lab that I had before.

The brasilian Blog and the english blog will have some differences, soon they will be the same on my website

The things that I make are designed to use alternative and renewable energies that do not pollute or at least less polluting than something that you buy in stores. Most of them will be make and after some videos and screen shots, the parts will be used for a new project since I don't pretend to spend a lot of money with them. That's just a hobby and I have the pleasure to create them.

Put projects on a paper is easier  but for me make than works is harder and funniest at the same time
Sorry for some English errors, I'm not native but I'll do my best.


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